Managing Lunes

Manage your trained Lunes.

Adding or removing knowledge sources from Lunes

Currently, we do not support the ability to add or remove source post-training from the web. If you need to update your private Lune with a new source, please send a new Lune creation request under the same Lune name and our system will automatically add the new source to the Lune.

If you would like to remove a source for any reason, email and we will process the request within 24 hours.


The processes noted above are for private Lunes, if you trained a public Lune and wish to modify the knowledge base in any way, you must email stating a reason for the change. Depending on the scope and nature of the request, we may or may not be able to process your request. Going forward, we will move to an automated system for updating and managing Lunes.

Deleting Lunes

For private Lunes, you can delete from My Lunes. For public Lunes, please contact us.

Renaming and changing Lune accessibility

We are adding functionality for both renaming and updating accessibility settings from private to public in web. In the meantime, please contact us to requests.